How To Freeze Peaches

How To Freeze Peaches
How I Freeze Fresh Fruit
How to freeze peaches

Maybe this post is a post for dummies, but if it is, I am the dumbest of dummies. For years I would buy fresh fruit and then feel horrible because it spoiled in a few days from not being used, and I would have to throw it away. Like the cartoons, I would see dollar bills with little wings flying away into the trash, but I couldn’t think of ways for just one person to eat it before it spoiled.

When I buy fruit I think I know how I will use it: on cereal, in muffins, in a cake filling, in a salad, blah, blah, blah. However, life always intervenes. Someone asks me out to dinner; I have to attend a late evening meeting; my church is having a mid-week service; I have 50 essays to grade (Oh yes folks, that is the life of the college professor – constant paper grading); a granddaughter needs to come over for a home cooked dinner. Meantime, my fruit is not waiting for me. It is turning into botulism or an anti-biotic, but I am not sure which.

freeze fresh fruitI decided to find out how hard it is to freeze fresh fruit. I envisioned having to use scary chemical compounds. The truth is that I finally cut it up in chunks, laid it out on a foil lined cookie sheet and froze it for an hour. Then I packed it into freezer bags. In the picture I cut up strawberries, mangos and nectarines.


How I Freeze Fresh Fruit 012
Preparing freshly frozen peaches for storage
How I store my frozen peaches
How I store my frozen peaches

This method works just fine. I don’t know how long the fruit will last, but so far it has been several weeks and the fruit still looks pretty with no icy covering and when I use it, it tastes as ripe as the day I bought it. Happiness! (pic below is of still frozen fruit. When it thaws it looks totally fresh.)

my fresh peaches from the freezer now over cheerios
Use your defrosted frozen peaches over cheerios

2 thoughts on “How To Freeze Peaches”

  • Have you done it with bananas? They go bad so quickly. I have frozen bananas that I plan to use in banana bread. I don’t care how mushy that is. But to put on cereal later. . .?

  • What a great idea! I just threw away 3 apples and a banana! Don’t forget to put the link to the blog on your Facebook post! Also, spend an hour on Facebook “Finding Friends” to drive traffic to your blog…the blog looks amazing!!!!

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