Covid 19 Low Fodmap Meals

Covid 19 Low Fodmap Meals

Week 4 -This is possibly week 4. I can’t keep track. But before complaining about pathetic food deliveries that leave out half my order and boring days by myself (well my kitties Crumpet and Muffin are here with me, thank God), now I have the worst possible news.

My daughter and her family are all infected with Covid 19. Her youngest is mostly over it, but she is quite sick and she fears for her oldest who has asthma. I guess my family scenario could be multiplied by the hundreds of thousands of families going through the same thing. It makes my IBS problems nothing in the face of this killer virus.

I thank God for my church and hers who immediately, upon hearing about my daughter and her family, all texted me saying they are praying and sending emoji’s of prayers, angels, hearts, love. One of them sent her homemade soup and another called her to give her an  Instacart order for food.

I am trusting that God will be with us throughout this ordeal because He said He would, and He has never failed me ever. I also pray for all of you ,who either have the virus or are trying to keep it away from your family, to stay safe. For those of you on the front lines, thank God for all of you and for your courage. Thanks for listening.

Now for all of you who need advice for what to make with sparse pantry items, below are my thoughts on that from last week with some added links to safe recipes already on this blog.

Week 3 – Are you running out of food, ideas, key ingredients? Me too. Here is how my week went. I felt very clever at the beginning of the week, but now my fridge looks a bit stark. I want to stick with Covid 19 low fodmap meals, but I am forced to be innovative. Why? Because every grocery delivery service from nearby stores has no openings for delivery in the near future. Yikes!

Empty pantry jars
Empty Pantry Jars while housebound by Covid 19

with the shortages that abound, it’s hard to know what the heck we will even have on hand from week to week.

Light Tomato Sauce
Light Tomato Sauce

Sooooo, first of all I looked at my freezer. I have three frozen meatballs in a cup of sauce – perfect for one bowl of pasta. I have grated cheese as well , so that will be tonight’s dinner.





Low Fodmap Spice Cake
Low Fodmap Spice Cake

I have left over spice cake that I made two days ago. I love spice cake because it lasts on the counter for days.








Fresh shrimp for shrimp fried rice
Shrimp for shrimp fried rice

The night before I made low fodmap shrimp fried rice from left over rice and frozen shrimp in my fridge. I still have enough for lunch tomorrow.





low fodmap chicken soup
Low fodmap chicken soup


The night before that I made chicken soup using broth from my freezer, leftover rice and veggies in my fridge that were on their last legs. That is now all gone.




I’ll keep you posted with whatever else I come up with while managing to avoid going to the store. I am almost out of butter, but I do have heavy cream. Hmmm. Anyone turned their heavy cream into butter?