Covid 19 Easter Dinner

Covid 19 Easter Dinner

Are you as perplexed as I am about Easter dinner now that we are all sequestered at home? Even if I could go to my daughters and hang out on her terrace rather than go into her house, what the heck could we eat?

Where is the ham, the leg of lamb, the asparagus? (sob). Neither my daughter nor I have found a grocery delivery service that has an opening this week and we are both down to some very sad pantry items, freezer leftovers and fridge staples.

OK. I am pretending this is WWII which I am actually old enough to remember. (81 year-old granny here. lol) My mom had coupons and rations and we made do with weird “butter” and whatever groceries we could get.

Same thing this Easter. What I actually have are a few frozen chicken breasts, small red potatoes, some frozen veggies like peas and carrots, no butter or milk (I do have almond milk) and enough baking ingredients to make a vanilla sponge cake. Yay!

4th of July Strawberry Shortcake
Covid 19 Vanilla Sponge Cake







I called my daughter this morning and told her on Easter I could drive to her house with homemade potato salad and a cake. We could eat on her terrace using social distancing. lol. She said yes! She has hot dogs and hamburgers they can grill outside on the terrace as well as salad.

OK, I can’t go in their house, but still, I am just thrilled to hang out with them in their backyard and celebrate Easter, springtime, and family.

In case you too are looking for simple ideas for Easter dinner, here is my low fodmap potato salad recipe as well as my vanilla sponge cake.

Stay safe everyone. Praying for our country and all of us to make it through.